Nickel 200, a commercially pure wrought nickel alloy, takes center stage as a remarkable material in the world of wire manufacturing, particularly in the offerings from the renowned Brookfield Wire Company. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the intricacies of Nickel 200 wire, shedding light on its composition, applications, unique properties, and the unmatched expertise of Brookfield Wire.

High-speed, high-precision wire production is Brookfield’s specialty. We also offer a full range of sizes, finishes, tempers, and chemistries. In addition to standard nickel wire, we can readily create custom wire products to your exact specifications.

Furthermore, we operate a 70,000 square-foot facility that houses state-of-the-art manufacturing machinery. We can easily take on even the most challenging, high-volume nickel wire projects while offering quick lead times and competitive pricing. As a result, we are one of the few nickel wire suppliers that can consistently work within your schedule and budget.

Request a Quote On Nickel 200 Wire

You can depend on Brookfield Wire to consistently deliver top-tier Nickel 200 wire.

Request a Quote On Nickel 200 Wire

You can depend on Brookfield Wire to consistently deliver top-tier Nickel 200 wire.

Nickel 200 Wire Composition and Characteristics:


Nickel 200 is a high-purity nickel alloy composed of at least 99.6% nickel. This exceptional purity gives Nickel 200 wire its distinct characteristics, making it a versatile and sought-after material for various applications.

Corrosion Resistance:

Nickel 200 exhibits remarkable resistance to corrosion in a wide range of environments, including acidic and alkaline conditions. This property is paramount in applications where exposure to corrosive substances is a concern.

High Thermal and Electrical Conductivity:

With excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, Nickel 200 wire is often the material of choice in applications that require efficient heat transfer or demand high electrical conductivity.

Low Electrical Resistivity:

The low electrical resistivity of Nickel 200 makes it an ideal material for applications where minimizing electrical losses is crucial.

Ductility and Malleability:

The alloy is highly ductile and malleable, allowing it to be easily formed into various wire shapes and sizes. This property is advantageous in manufacturing processes that require intricate wire designs.

Magnetostrictive Properties:

Nickel 200 exhibits magnetostrictive properties, making it suitable for applications in magnetostrictive transducers and sensors.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== | Nickel 200 Wire from Brookfield Wire
gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== | Nickel 200 Wire from Brookfield Wire

Nickel 200 Wire Applications:

1. Electronic Components:

Nickel 200 wire is a star player in the electronics industry, finding applications in the manufacturing of resistors, heating elements, and electrical contacts. Its low electrical resistivity ensures efficient energy transfer, making it a preferred choice in the creation of reliable electronic components.

2. Chemical Processing:

In chemical processing industries, where resistance to corrosive substances is non-negotiable, Nickel 200 wire takes the spotlight. It is employed in the construction of chemical plant equipment, including valves, pumps, and heat exchangers, where its corrosion resistance shines.

3. Aerospace and Defense:

Nickel 200 wire’s excellent thermal conductivity and resistance to corrosion make it a valuable asset in the aerospace and defense sectors. It is utilized in the production of components such as aircraft engine parts, where its reliability under high-temperature conditions is crucial.

4. Magnetostrictive Devices:

Given its magnetostrictive properties, Nickel 200 wire is a key player in the development of magnetostrictive devices. This includes applications in magnetostrictive transducers and sensors used in various industries, including medical and industrial settings.

5. Heating Elements and Resistance Wire:

The high melting point and exceptional electrical conductivity of Nickel 200 make it an ideal material for heating elements and resistance wire. These applications extend to industries such as metallurgy, where precise temperature control is essential.

Big Savings on Bulk Nickel 200 Wire

Discover how much you can save buying nickel 200 wire in bulk from Brookfield.

Advantages of Brookfield Wire’s Nickel 200:

1. Quality Assurance:

Brookfield Wire has established itself as a reputable manufacturer committed to delivering high-quality wire products. With Nickel 200 wire, the company ensures stringent quality control measures, assuring customers of consistency and reliability in every batch.

2. Customization Capabilities:

Understanding that different industries and applications have unique requirements, Brookfield Wire offers customization capabilities for Nickel 200 wire. This includes variations in diameter, surface finish, and other specifications to meet the specific needs of customers.

3. Expertise and Experience:

With decades of experience in wire manufacturing, Brookfield Wire brings a wealth of expertise to the table. The company’s team of skilled professionals understands the nuances of working with Nickel 200, ensuring precision and excellence in every step of the manufacturing process.

4. Responsiveness to Industry Trends:

Brookfield Wire remains at the forefront of industry trends and innovations. By staying updated on advancements in materials science and manufacturing technologies, the company ensures that its Nickel 200 wire offerings align with the evolving needs of diverse industries.

Processing and Fabrication:

1. Drawing and Annealing:

Nickel 200 wire undergoes a meticulous process of drawing and annealing to achieve the desired diameter and mechanical properties. This precision in manufacturing ensures that the wire meets the specific requirements of each application.

2. Surface Finish Options:

Brookfield Wire provides various surface finish options for Nickel 200 wire, allowing customers to choose based on their application needs. Whether a smooth surface finish for electronic components or a specific coating for enhanced corrosion resistance, the company caters to a range of preferences.

3. Packaging for Protection:

Recognizing the importance of protecting the integrity of Nickel 200 wire during transportation and storage, Brookfield Wire employs careful packaging techniques. This ensures that customers receive wire products in pristine condition, ready for seamless integration into their manufacturing processes.

Metal Alloys For Wire Products

Brookfield’s extensive global sourcing allows us to access a comprehensive range of 300 series stainless steel alloys and other superior metal alloys. This capability ensures we can meet unique application needs with ease and deliver DFARS-compliant products.

We prefer the 300 series stainless steel over the 400 series because its higher nickel content provides greater resistance to rust and corrosion. The 304 and 316 grades are the most commonly utilized within the 300 series. For applications requiring outstanding resistance to acidic environments, high temperatures, and corrosion, we choose 316 stainless steel wire.

By exclusively sourcing materials from domestic or NATO-approved suppliers, we guarantee our customers receive top-tier materials for their stainless steel wire products. Discover our wide selection of metal alloys below:

300 Series Stainless Steel

Other Standard Alloys

Environmental Considerations:

1. Recyclability:

Nickel 200 is a fully recyclable material, aligning with the growing emphasis on sustainability in various industries. The recyclability of Nickel 200 wire contributes to reducing environmental impact and promoting responsible material usage.

2. Longevity and Durability:

The corrosion resistance and durability of Nickel 200 wire contribute to its longevity in applications. Products made with Nickel 200 have a longer lifespan, reducing the frequency of replacements and minimizing the environmental footprint associated with material consumption.

Conclusion About Nickel 200 Wire:

In conclusion, Nickel 200 wire from Brookfield Wire emerges not just as a material but as a critical enabler across diverse industries. Its unique combination of high purity, corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity, and customizability positions it as a top choice for applications ranging from electronics to aerospace. With a commitment to quality, expertise, and responsiveness to industry trends, Brookfield Wire’s Nickel 200 wire stands as a testament to the intersection of innovation and reliability in the world of wire manufacturing.