What is 302 Stainless Steel Wire?

302 stainless steel wire belongs to the austenitic stainless steel family and is a versatile and widely used material in various industries. Comprising chromium and nickel, it exhibits excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, and ductility. The “302” refers to its specific alloy composition, which includes approximately 18% chromium and 8% nickel. This combination makes it suitable for a range of applications where corrosion resistance and mechanical strength are crucial.

Big Savings on Bulk 302 Stainless Steel Wire

Find how much you can save with bulk orders of 302 stainless steel wire.

What Sets 302 Stainless Steel Wire Apart?

  • Corrosion Resistance: One of the primary distinctions of 302 stainless steel wire is its exceptional resistance to corrosion. This makes it ideal for applications in challenging environments, including those exposed to moisture, chemicals, and various corrosive agents.

  • High Strength and Ductility: 302 stainless steel wire offers a balance of high tensile strength and ductility, making it suitable for applications where both strength and flexibility are essential. This makes it a preferred choice in manufacturing and engineering applications.

  • Temperature Resistance: The alloy’s composition allows 302 stainless steel wire to maintain its mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. This characteristic is vital in applications where exposure to heat is a factor.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== | 302 Stainless Steel Wire and Its Qualities
gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== | 302 Stainless Steel Wire and Its Qualities

Why Choose Brookfield for 302 Stainless Steel Wire?

  • Quality Assurance: Brookfield boasts a reputation for stringent quality assurance practices. When it comes to stainless steel wire, ensuring the highest quality is paramount. Brookfield’s commitment to quality guarantees that you receive a product that meets or exceeds industry standards.

  • Customization Options: Brookfield understands that each application may have specific requirements. With Brookfield, you have the flexibility to customize your order, tailoring the 302 stainless steel wire to your precise specifications.
  • Versatility in Applications: Brookfield’s 302 stainless steel wire finds application in diverse industries, including aerospace, medical, automotive, and more. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for various demanding environments.

  • Reliable Supply Chain: In the business world, reliability is key. Brookfield understands the importance of a dependable supply chain. With Brookfield, you can trust that your orders will be processed efficiently and delivered on time, minimizing downtime and ensuring your operations run smoothly.

Get Your Quote On 302 Stainless Steel Wire

Trust the seasoned wire manufacturing professionals at Brookfield Wire, LLC, to provide you with high quality 302 stainless steel wire.

Get Your Quote On 302 Stainless Steel Wire

Trust the seasoned wire manufacturing professionals at Brookfield Wire, LLC, to provide you with high quality 302 stainless steel wire.

Metal Alloys | 300 Series Stainless Steel & More

With global purchasing, Brookfield gains access to all 300 series stainless steel alloys and various other high-quality metal alloys. This capability allows us to easily meet unique application requirements and provide our customers with DFARS-compliant products.

We recommend the use of 300 series stainless steel over the 400 series due to its higher nickel content. The 400 series, with its lower nickel content, is more prone to rust and corrosion. Among the 300 series, 304 and 316 are the most common. We utilize 316 stainless steel wire in applications requiring resistance to acidic elements, high temperatures, and corrosion.

We exclusively source the highest quality materials from domestic or NATO resources, ensuring every customer receives the finest materials available for their stainless steel wire products. Explore our selection of metal alloys below:

300 Series Stainless Steel

Other Standard Alloys

A Commitment to Customer Satisfaction:

  • Brookfield prioritizes customer satisfaction. From the quality of the product to the efficiency of the ordering process, every aspect of the customer experience is carefully considered.

  • Transparent communication and a dedication to understanding your unique needs ensure that Brookfield not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

302 Stainless Steel Wire is a remarkable material with distinct properties, and Brookfield stands as a reliable and customer-centric provider of this versatile alloy. Whether you require corrosion resistance, high strength, or temperature stability, Brookfield’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes it the ideal choice for all your 302 stainless steel wire needs.

Diameter (in) Size Range (in) Material Description Diameter (cm) Size Range (cm)
0.0130 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.033 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0140 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0356 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0150 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0381 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0157 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0399 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0160 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0406 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0170 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0432 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0180 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0457 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0190 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0483 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0196 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0498 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0200 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0508 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0210 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0533 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0216 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0549 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0220 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0559 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0230 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0584 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0236 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0599 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0240 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.061 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0240 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.061 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0250 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0635 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0260 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.066 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0270 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0686 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0275 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0698 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0280 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0711 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0290 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0737 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0300 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0762 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0310 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0787 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0320 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0813 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0330 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0838 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0340 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0864 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0350 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0889 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0360 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0914 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0370 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.094 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0380 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0965 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0390 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.0991 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0400 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1016 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0410 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1041 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0420 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1067 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0430 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1092 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0440 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1118 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0450 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1143 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0460 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1168 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0470 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1194 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0475 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1207 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0490 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1245 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0500 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.127 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0510 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1295 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0520 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1321 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0530 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1346 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0540 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1372 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0550 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1397 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0560 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1422 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0570 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1448 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0580 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1473 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0590 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1499 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0600 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1524 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0610 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1549 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0625 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1588 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0640 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1626 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0650 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1651 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0670 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1702 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0680 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1727 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0690 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1753 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0700 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1778 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0710 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1803 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0720 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1829 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0740 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.188 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0750 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1905 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0760 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.193 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0780 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.1981 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0800 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2032 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0820 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2083 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0830 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2108 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0850 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2159 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0860 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2184 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0870 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.221 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0880 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2235 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0900 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2286 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0910 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2311 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0915 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2324 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0920 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2337 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0930 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2362 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0940 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2388 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0950 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2413 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0970 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2464 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.0980 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2489 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1000 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.254 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1020 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2591 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1050 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2667 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1090 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2769 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1100 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2794 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1120 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2845 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1130 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.287 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1140 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2896 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1150 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2921 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1160 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2946 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1180 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.2997 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1200 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3048 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1250 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3175 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1260 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.32 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1280 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3251 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1300 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3302 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1350 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3429 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1380 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3505 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1400 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3556 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1420 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3607 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1440 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3658 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1480 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3759 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1560 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.3962 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1620 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4115 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1700 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4318 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1720 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4369 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1770 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4496 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1790 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4547 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1800 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4572 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1820 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4623 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1870 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.475 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.1920 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.4877 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2070 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.5258 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2180 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.5537 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2250 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.5715 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2340 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.5944 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2440 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.6198 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2500 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.635 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2620 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.6655 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2820 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.7163 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.2970 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.7544 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3060 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.7772 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3125 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.7937 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3310 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.8407 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3430 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.8712 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3620 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.9195 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3750 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.9525 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.3930 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 0.9982 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.4060 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 1.0312 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.4370 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 1.11 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.4680 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 1.1887 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.5000 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 1.27 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.5620 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 1.4275 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm
0.6250 in 0.014 to 0.625 in 302 Stainless Steel 1.5875 cm 0.0356 to 1.5875 cm